
Pumpkin Preserves!

Boy, I have been real busy this month! This busy was a good kind of busy so I will allow myself not to feel to guilty about abandoning my Dear Demure for a little bit. :)

Oh! You'd like to know what I've been doing??
Well, I've been "working in my shop", making beautiful things, like i'm one of Santa's elves!!
Here's a sneak peek of what it is I was up to!
These accessories will be making their way to Etsy.com as soon as possible actually!
And yes! I will definitely keep you posted!
That's later, but here is what I did today!

This is my homemade Pumpkin Preserves.
I made this ahead of time because for Thanksgiving I will be baking some treats with it! :)
This is a really simple and easy recipe.

Pumpkin Preserves Recipe:
2 cups Pumpkin pureed (cooked), unsweetened
1 mango pureed (cooked), unsweetened
1 1/2 cup of Sugar
Tsp Ground cinnamon
1/2 Tsp ground cloves
2 Tsp Vanilla extract 
Zest of 1 Lemon or of 1 orange
1/2 a lemon squeezed

So let's get started!
Pumpkin Puree:
You will only need half of a small "Pumpkin-Pie Pumpkin" for this recipe.
(Half of pumpkin will make 2 cups pureed) 
Remove the seeds and cut your half into 4 more slices. This will make peeling the skin easier.
There's my peeled and vulnerable looking pumpkin half all ready to be cut up. -->

Cut the pumpkin into half an inch size cubes or smaller, throw them into a small pot and cover with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil then lower the heat to Medium Low, cover with a lid and simmer until tender. 

While that's simmering do the same with your Mango. Peel it, cut into half inch squares or smaller, and throw them in a separate small pot. Add 1 cup of water and simmer until tender. (You will drain and mash both pumpkin and mango when those are done.) 

Lemon Zest:
While those are cooking get your Lemon and a small grater. You will  grate the yellow part of the peel completely off of the entire lemon. 
This is your "Lemon Zest". 
Now cut the lemon in half and juice one of the halves for this recipe and set the lemon juice aside for now. 
Don't toss the other half of the lemon! Make your self some lemonade like i did! 
Sipping on it now!! mmm! :)

Mix in all ingredients:
When your pumpkin and mango are done and mashed you will take your pureed mango and pour it into the pot with the pureed pumpkin (the bigger pot). You will also stir in the rest of the ingredients into the same pot and put it back on the stove. You will again simmer all on Medium Low, covered for 35 min.

It's ready!!
By now your whole house smells so good and i know you can't wait to taste it!! Go ahead! I tasted mine about 10 times!! :D 

Jar 'em!
And when I say jar them I don't mean the real kind of jarring that your grandma might be really good at. I personally have never jarred yet. So there's still a lot to learn in the future! :)  This is just a real simple way to store your preserves in a nice container inside your fridge. 
What can i say, sometimes I like simplicity! 

If you are like me than you have saved a few jars from store bought jams for these kind of things. Just clean those out real good before you reuse.  
But if you don't have a jar you can just store it in a Tupperware container. No big deal! It's all about the taste anyway!

Well, there ya have it! Enjoy! 
And in the words of Julia Child "Bon appeteeeeeete!" 

Here are a few things I am thankful for this year:
 ~ I am so thankful to be able to stay home and do what I love!! 
 ~ I am thankful for my sweetie, hubby and the never ending supply of kisses he has for me and that every kiss is just as brand new! :)
 ~ I am so thankful to my God that He believes in me.
 ~ I am thankful for my sweet and caring mamochka (mom) and my brothers - my pillars. 
 ~ And I am so thankful and inspired because prayers get answered, because healing still  
    happens, and that God is GREAT and is on our side!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! 


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